Jason beem
Jason beem

jason beem

But I think we also tend to equip ourselves mentally much better to be able to deal with those setbacks that come with aging. Sure some things will continue to get more difficult both physically and mentally. But my overall thought on aging is that it’s a blessing. Things do change with time and weathering, both for the good and the bad. But it’s also a pretty good gauge of how long we’ve been on the planet, how much we’ve been through, and how long we might have left. The phrase “age is just a number” is one we hear quite often and I’m kind of 50/50 in agreeing with that or thinking it’s wrong. So how are those my best years if I’m doing and feeling better now? Answer, they aren’t. Part of moving through that was realizing and honestly believing that despite my numerical age now (42) and some of the limitations that come with being 42 vs 25, I’m actually doing better in almost every avenue of life than I was in my late twenties or all of my 30s.

jason beem

I mentioned in the grieving blog about having to grieve all my ‘lost’ years to anxiety. The topic today is aging and it’s another thing where my viewpoint has shifted quite a bit. The month is ending and this will be the 31st and final journal entry, whoo hoo! I’ll share my feelings on the exercise and thoughts below after this blog.

Jason beem